Lunar Calendar 2024 2024 New Warframes 2024

New Warframes 2024


New Warframes 2024

The year 2024 promises to be a groundbreaking year for Warframe, with the introduction of several highly anticipated new Warframes. These Warframes will bring a range of new abilities, playstyles, and lore to the game, further expanding the diverse roster of characters that players can choose from.

Warframe developer Digital Extremes has been teasing the arrival of these new Warframes for months, and fans are eagerly awaiting their release. The new Warframes are expected to be introduced in the game’s next major update, which is scheduled to arrive in the second half of the year. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at what we know about these upcoming Warframes.

The first new Warframe is called Voruna. She is a fierce and agile melee Warframe who excels in close-quarters combat. Voruna’s abilities allow her to control the flow of battle, creating opportunities for herself and her allies to deal devastating damage. She is expected to be a popular choice for players who enjoy playing as front-line fighters.

These are just a few of the new Warframes that are expected to be released in Warframe in 2024. With their unique abilities and playstyles, these Warframes will bring a fresh new dimension to the game and provide players with even more options to customize their gameplay experience.

New Warframes 2024

Warframe is set to welcome a new lineup of Warframes in 2024, each bringing unique abilities and gameplay styles to the game. Here are nine important points about these upcoming Warframes:

  • Voruna: Melee Warframe with crowd control abilities.
  • Gyre: Electric-based Warframe with a focus on mobility.
  • Sevagoth: Sentient-infused Warframe with a unique shadow mechanic.
  • Xaku: Void-themed Warframe with versatile abilities.
  • Yareli: Water-based Warframe with a unique K-drive mechanic.
  • Caliban: Sentient-hybrid Warframe with a focus on area-of-effect damage.
  • Nidus Prime: Primed version of the popular Infestation-themed Warframe.
  • Mesa Prime: Primed version of the iconic gunslinging Warframe.
  • Ash Prime: Primed version of the stealthy and agile Warframe.

These new Warframes will offer players a wide range of options to customize their gameplay experience and tackle the challenges of Warframe’s ever-evolving universe.

Voruna: Melee Warframe with crowd control abilities.

Voruna is a fiercely agile melee Warframe who excels in close-quarters combat and crowd control. Her abilities allow her to manipulate the battlefield, creating opportunities for herself and her team to deal significant damage.

  • Arctic Eximius: Voruna summons a swirling vortex of ice shards that damages and slows nearby enemies. The vortex can be detonated to deal additional damage and knock down enemies.
  • Shatter Storm: Voruna lunges forward, dealing damage to all enemies in her path. Enemies hit by Shatter Storm are debuffed, making them more vulnerable to damage from Voruna and her team.
  • Frozen Cascade: Voruna creates a massive wall of ice that blocks enemy movement and fire. The wall can be shattered to deal damage to nearby enemies.
  • Arctic Avalanche: Voruna’s ultimate ability, which turns her into a swirling vortex of ice and snow. While in this state, Voruna is immune to damage and can freely move through enemies, dealing damage to them as she passes.

Voruna’s crowd control abilities make her a valuable asset to any team. She can lock down large groups of enemies, making them easy targets for her and her team to eliminate. Her melee prowess also makes her a force to be reckoned with in close-quarters combat.

Gyre: Electric-based Warframe with a focus on mobility.

Gyre is a highly mobile electric-based Warframe who excels in fast-paced combat. Her abilities allow her to zip around the battlefield, dealing damage to enemies and creating opportunities for her team.

Coil Horizon: Gyre’s passive ability increases her movement speed and attack speed for a short duration after using an ability. This makes her incredibly agile and allows her to quickly reposition herself in combat.

Arcsphere: Gyre throws a sphere of electricity that damages and stuns enemies. The sphere can be detonated to deal additional damage and create a damaging electric field.

Cathode Grace: Gyre creates a protective shield of electricity around herself and nearby allies. The shield absorbs damage and reflects it back at enemies. Gyre can also use Cathode Grace to dash forward, leaving behind a trail of electricity that damages enemies.

Accumulating Discharge: Gyre’s ultimate ability, which allows her to unleash a devastating electric discharge that damages all nearby enemies. The damage of Accumulating Discharge increases with each enemy hit, making it incredibly powerful against large groups of enemies.

Gyre’s mobility and electric-based abilities make her a formidable opponent in any situation. She can quickly zip around the battlefield, dealing damage to enemies and creating opportunities for her team to follow up.

Sevagoth: Sentient-infused Warframe with a unique shadow mechanic.

Sevagoth is a unique and powerful Warframe who is infused with Sentient technology. His abilities revolve around his Shadow, a separate entity that can be controlled independently of Sevagoth.

Gloom: Sevagoth’s passive ability increases his damage resistance and reduces the damage dealt by enemies around him. This makes him incredibly durable and allows him to soak up damage for his team.

Shadow: Sevagoth summons his Shadow, which can be controlled independently. The Shadow has its own health and abilities, and it can be used to attack enemies, draw fire, or revive Sevagoth if he is downed.

Reaper: Sevagoth sacrifices his Shadow to deal massive damage to a single target. The damage of Reaper is increased based on the amount of health the Shadow had when it was sacrificed.

Exalted Shadow: Sevagoth’s ultimate ability, which merges him with his Shadow to create a powerful Exalted Shadow. The Exalted Shadow has increased health, damage, and abilities, and it can be used to unleash a devastating attack that damages all nearby enemies.

Sevagoth’s unique Shadow mechanic makes him a versatile and powerful Warframe. He can use his Shadow to tank damage, deal damage, or revive himself, making him a valuable asset to any team.

Xaku: Void-themed Warframe with versatile abilities.

Xaku is a versatile Void-themed Warframe who can control the battlefield with a variety of abilities. Their abilities allow them to damage enemies, create defensive barriers, and even steal enemy weapons.

  • The Lost: Xaku’s passive ability grants them increased damage resistance and ability strength when their shields are depleted. This makes them more durable and powerful when they are under fire.
  • Grasp of Lohk: Xaku fires a beam of Void energy that damages enemies and suspends them in the air. Suspended enemies are vulnerable to finishers and can be used as cover.
  • Deny: Xaku creates a barrier of Void energy that blocks enemy fire. Deny can also be used to strip enemies of their weapons, which can then be used by Xaku.
  • Xata’s Whisper: Xaku’s ultimate ability, which summons a powerful Void projection that damages and confuses enemies. Xata’s Whisper can also be used to create a protective barrier around Xaku and their allies.

Xaku’s versatile abilities make them a valuable asset to any team. They can deal damage, create defensive barriers, and even steal enemy weapons, making them a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield.

Yareli: Water-based Warframe with a unique K-drive mechanic.

Yareli is a unique and agile Water-based Warframe who can summon a K-drive to ride around on. Her abilities allow her to control water, create water-based constructs, and even ride on water surfaces.

  • Merulina: Yareli’s passive ability increases her movement speed and parkour velocity while on water surfaces. This makes her incredibly mobile and allows her to quickly traverse watery environments.
  • Sea Snares: Yareli throws a bubble of water that traps and damages enemies. Sea Snares can also be used to create platforms that Yareli can use to reach higher areas.
  • Aquablades: Yareli summons a pair of water blades that she can use to attack enemies. Aquablades can also be used to create a protective barrier around Yareli.
  • Riptide: Yareli’s ultimate ability, which summons a giant wave that damages and knocks down enemies. Riptide can also be used to create a powerful vortex that pulls enemies towards it.

Yareli’s unique K-drive mechanic and water-based abilities make her a versatile and powerful Warframe. She can quickly traverse watery environments, deal damage to enemies, and create defensive barriers, making her a valuable asset to any team.

Caliban: Sentient-hybrid Warframe with a focus on area-of-effect damage.

Caliban is a powerful Sentient-hybrid Warframe who excels at dealing area-of-effect damage. His abilities allow him to summon Sentient drones, create damaging shockwaves, and even transform into a Sentient beast.

Razor Gyre: Caliban’s passive ability increases his damage resistance and attack speed for a short duration after using an ability. This makes him more durable and powerful when he is using his abilities.

Conculyst: Caliban summons a Sentient drone that attacks enemies with a laser beam. Conculyst can also be used to create a protective barrier around Caliban.

Sentient Wrath: Caliban creates a shockwave that damages and knocks down enemies. Sentient Wrath can also be used to create a damaging field that lingers for a short duration.

Bastion: Caliban’s ultimate ability, which transforms him into a Sentient beast with increased health, armor, and damage. Bastion can also use powerful melee attacks and create shockwaves that damage and knock down enemies.

Caliban’s focus on area-of-effect damage makes him a valuable asset to any team. He can quickly clear out large groups of enemies with his abilities, making him a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield.

Nidus Prime: Primed version of the popular Infestation-themed Warframe.

Nidus Prime is the Primed version of Nidus, the popular Infestation-themed Warframe. He retains all of Nidus’s abilities, but with enhanced stats and a sleek new design.

Ravenous: Nidus Prime’s passive ability grants him increased health and armor for each enemy he kills with his abilities. This makes him incredibly durable and allows him to soak up damage for his team.

Virulence: Nidus Prime casts a wave of Infestation energy that damages enemies and creates maggots that attach themselves to enemies. The maggots deal damage over time and explode when they die, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.

Parasitic Link: Nidus Prime links himself to enemies, draining their health and transferring it to himself. Linked enemies are also vulnerable to finishers, which deal bonus damage.

Undying: Nidus Prime’s ultimate ability, which sacrifices all of his maggots to create a powerful aura that damages enemies and heals Nidus Prime and his allies. Undying also grants Nidus Prime increased damage resistance and ability strength.

Nidus Prime is a powerful and durable Warframe who excels at crowd control and sustained damage. His abilities allow him to drain health from enemies, create damaging maggots, and even sacrifice his maggots to heal himself and his allies. Nidus Prime is a valuable asset to any team, and his Primed stats and design make him even more powerful and desirable.

Mesa Prime: Primed version of the iconic gunslinging Warframe.

Mesa Prime is the Primed version of Mesa, the iconic gunslinging Warframe. She retains all of Mesa’s abilities, but with enhanced stats and a sleek new design.

Gunslinger: Mesa Prime’s passive ability increases her accuracy and critical chance while aiming down sights. This makes her an incredibly deadly sharpshooter, capable of taking down enemies with precision and efficiency.

Ballistic Battery: Mesa Prime fires a barrage of bullets that damage and stun enemies. Ballistic Battery can also be charged up to deal increased damage and knock down enemies.

Shooting Gallery: Mesa Prime creates a field of energy that slows down enemies and increases the damage of her weapons. Shooting Gallery also grants Mesa Prime increased damage resistance, making her more durable while she is using her abilities.

Peacemaker: Mesa Prime’s ultimate ability, which transforms her into a gunslinging goddess with increased fire rate, accuracy, and damage. Peacemaker also allows Mesa Prime to shoot through walls and obstacles, making her a deadly threat to enemies at any range.

Mesa Prime is a powerful and versatile Warframe who excels at dealing sustained damage from a distance. Her abilities allow her to slow down enemies, increase her damage output, and even shoot through walls. Mesa Prime is a valuable asset to any team, and her Primed stats and design make her even more powerful and desirable.

Ash Prime: Primed version of the stealthy and agile Warframe.

Ash Prime is the Primed version of Ash, the stealthy and agile Warframe. He retains all of Ash’s abilities, but with enhanced stats and a sleek new design.

  • Smoke Screen: Ash Prime’s passive ability increases his movement speed and energy efficiency while invisible. This makes him an incredibly mobile and stealthy Warframe, capable of quickly moving around the battlefield and avoiding detection.
  • Shuriken: Ash Prime throws a fan of shuriken that damage enemies. Shuriken can also be charged up to deal increased damage and inflict a slash proc.
  • Teleport: Ash Prime teleports to a target enemy, dealing damage and stunning them. Teleport can also be used to teleport to allies, making Ash Prime a valuable asset for reviving downed teammates.
  • Bladestorm: Ash Prime’s ultimate ability, which surrounds him with a swarm of spectral blades that damage enemies and mark them for finishers. Bladestorm can also be used to teleport to marked enemies, making it a powerful and versatile ability for both damage and mobility.

Ash Prime is a powerful and versatile Warframe who excels at stealth and mobility. His abilities allow him to quickly move around the battlefield, deal damage to enemies, and even teleport to allies to revive them. Ash Prime is a valuable asset to any team, and his Primed stats and design make him even more powerful and desirable.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the New Warframes 2024:

Question 1: When will the new Warframes be released?
Answer: The new Warframes are expected to be released in the second half of 2024.

Question 2: What platforms will the new Warframes be available on?
Answer: The new Warframes will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Question 3: How can I get the new Warframes?
Answer: The new Warframes can be obtained by completing quests, farming bosses, or purchasing them from the in-game market.

Question 4: What are the abilities of the new Warframes?
Answer: The abilities of the new Warframes are as follows:

  • Voruna: Arctic Eximius, Shatter Storm, Frozen Cascade, Arctic Avalanche
  • Gyre: Coil Horizon, Arcsphere, Cathode Grace, Accumulating Discharge
  • Sevagoth: Gloom, Shadow, Reaper, Exalted Shadow
  • Xaku: The Lost, Grasp of Lohk, Deny, Xata’s Whisper
  • Yareli: Merulina, Sea Snares, Aquablades, Riptide
  • Caliban: Razor Gyre, Conculyst, Sentient Wrath, Bastion
  • Nidus Prime: Ravenous, Virulence, Parasitic Link, Undying
  • Mesa Prime: Gunslinger, Ballistic Battery, Shooting Gallery, Peacemaker
  • Ash Prime: Smoke Screen, Shuriken, Teleport, Bladestorm

Question 5: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the new Warframes?
Answer: The strengths and weaknesses of the new Warframes vary depending on their abilities and playstyles. Some Warframes are better suited for certain missions or playstyles than others.

Question 6: How can I master the new Warframes?
Answer: To master the new Warframes, you will need to experiment with their abilities and find the best ways to use them in different situations. You can also consult online resources or join a community of Warframe players to learn from others.

We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the New Warframes 2024. For more information, please visit the official Warframe website.

Now that you know more about the New Warframes 2024, here are some tips to help you get the most out of them:


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the New Warframes 2024:

Tip 1: Experiment with different builds. Each Warframe has a variety of different abilities and mods that can be used to customize their playstyle. Experiment with different builds to find the one that best suits your playstyle and the mission you are playing.

Tip 2: Master your Warframe’s abilities. The key to mastering a Warframe is to understand and master their abilities. Take the time to learn how each ability works and how to use it effectively in different situations.

Tip 3: Team up with other players. Warframe is a cooperative game, and teaming up with other players can make it more fun and rewarding. Find a group of players who share your interests and playstyle, and work together to complete missions and challenges.

Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to master a Warframe or complete a mission, don’t be afraid to ask for help from other players or consult online resources. There is a wealth of information available to help you learn and improve your gameplay.

By following these tips, you can get the most out of the New Warframes 2024 and enjoy all that Warframe has to offer.

We hope this guide has helped you learn more about the New Warframes 2024 and how to get the most out of them. Now, go forth and conquer the Origin System, Tenno!


The New Warframes 2024 are a diverse and exciting addition to the Warframe roster. They bring a range of new abilities, playstyles, and lore to the game, further expanding the already vast universe of Warframe.

From the melee prowess of Voruna to the electric-based mobility of Gyre, from the Sentient-infused abilities of Sevagoth to the water-based mechanics of Yareli, the new Warframes offer something for every type of player.

We hope this guide has given you a comprehensive overview of the New Warframes 2024 and how to get the most out of them. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, we encourage you to experiment with the new Warframes and find the one that best suits your playstyle.

The future of Warframe is bright, and the New Warframes 2024 are a testament to the ongoing creativity and passion of the development team. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Warframe and its ever-growing community of players.

Tenno, prepare for greatness!

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